Monday, October 11, 2010

Learning as we go

I can't sleep. Ross is gone tonight to work. Last night he was sick. again. This time so bad he went to work and then came home. I must admit I was happy. We slept until 1:06pm and went to bed at 11:30pm the night before. We needed the rest since our weekend had been rough for us.

Friday we went to the Indian Festival at Moundville. Ross either has never been before or just couldn't remember it. I don't think he got out much as a child. I think he sat in front of a TV and watched movies for the majority of his childhood and teenage years.There were schools there with children, running around everywhere, getting lost, pitching fits......and Ross was my student. Bless his heart. "What's that?! Let's go over here! I don't want to go over there, I want to see the bow maker!"....It was boring to me. I kept on having to teach him and I said "I've already seen this/done before" atleast ten times which made him mad. Now, he wants to make his own bow. I mean find a fallen dried out log and make a bow. He also wants to kill a deer to use a part of it as a glue in case he makes a mistake making it. I spent over an hour in the hot sun, standing up next to him while a man explained in detail how to make a bow....and hand....for something Ross said he will do, but never will.  I support him anyways, I just know it will never happen....unless he reads this and decides to prove me wrong, because that what men love to do, prove their wives wrong....and they will gloat about it publicly, to make us sad until we have enough and snap back at them, and then they will say we dont care or support them. Yeah....I'm getting a hang of this wife stuff.

Anyways, though I have to say I was very proud of Ross when we were eating. He was wearing one of his ROTC shirts. again. when a man screamed "HEY THERE'S A FUTURE GOLDBAR FOR YOU!!" I automatically snapped into Army Wife mode without even thinking. Sit back. Shut up. Pay attention. Ross went from common guy to serious in less than a second. Hiss reply: "I already am, Sir"
I've been on Ross, even have had arguments with him, about ranks sometime means nothing. Especially out of uniform. Sometimes you just need to a better person to another person and forget the rank. Show respect to them. Treat them like an equal, because they are.....Ross did. The man's son was in the army. I was very proud of Ross' attitude and concern he had for the guy. But what impressed me the most was Ross started cleaning up the area where the family was with the guy's little boy running and playing, picking up trash people had thrown the ground or left....I saw my husband in a different light. I whispered "You're a good man, Ross, a good man" to him.

The next morning we went to T-Town PAWS Wag N' Walk where they held a 5k.  Ross worked 10 hours and finished 7th overall and 1st in his age group. I was extremely proud of him. Had very little sleep the night before and had worked 10 hours before running. I mean WOW! Awesome! My plan was to walk with Patriot....Ross was next to us when the race started and he took off face and said "SEE YALL LATER!"....Patriot's buddy left him....Patriot did not like this at all.....Patriot made me he pulled me. He looks small for a lab, but my gosh he is so strong!!! Everyone was laughing at me.....because basically I was getting airborne by my dog. I screamed "PATRIOT! YOU'VE GOT TO PACE YOURSELF! YOU'RE KILLING ME!" I head people laughing, out of breath behind me. They had little pools at every half mile for your dog to get water. Patriot was afraid. I could tell he needed it, but he wouldnt drink it out of the pool....and he we still searching from Ross...smelling for him, was heartbreaking. I had thoughts of quitting. For the humans half way they gave us cups of water. I had about two sips before I looked down and saw Patriot looking at I sat down on the curb and let him drink about three cups of water. He wouldn't drink it out of the pool....but would drink it out of a cup, if I held it for him.... Anyways. We finished doubt because of Patriot. He pulled me to get 60th.

After the race we got to swim in the UA pool with him. He had so much fun! He said he can't wait to go back!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A New Journey

I figured this would be a good way of communicating with people on how we are doing instead of updating my Facebook status every hour. I used to enjoy writing in my Xanga (popular online journal)  in high school, but I have failed many of times trying to start one back up again. Funny how one of my lasts posts on my Xanga was me letting go/ giving up on a guy I had liked for years. It ended with: