Thursday, April 21, 2011


It's been AWHILE since I last had a post up. Sam's Club and Chick-fil-a about drove our marriage in the ground very quickly. Thank goodness that's over. To sum it up, the 3 months after my last post was "TWO THUMBS WAY DOWN".  Then on February 14th Ross got a call to be the goldbar recruiter at UA.....BLESSING!!! He quit working nights, so I wasn't alone anymore with loaded guns to my right and left. Though I still had my crazy shifts at morning I would work until 11pm and then I would have to get up and be at work at 6am....Ross didn't like me doing that....So the plan was to quit at the beginning of  March so I could have a month off to pack and spend time with my family. But there was an accident. I was sweeping off the carport when the metal handle broom that broke off and sliced my finger, back and front. Needless to say I panicked  because I was alone and I couldn't get the blood to stop pouring. So I called my mom, she freaked out, which made my dad freak out and fly to me...seriously....he was there in 10 seconds. Loaded me up and flew me to the med-center where I had 6 stitches....and you can still see that my fingernail is sliced and black...and its been almost 2 months. Oh yeah, we also got a puppy. A yellow lab name Daisy Jane Hunter. We got her for Patriot. He needed a playmate. He loves her. We love her. We are one happy family. That pretty much catches us up until April. That's a whole new post in itself. 

Ross at UA being a Goldbar recruiter  

Getting stitches

Back of finger
Our new addition

Daisy Jane Hunter

They love each other

Last family picture we took before we moved. Close to where Ross asked me to marry him. UA quad.